Sunday, August 17, 2008

why bother in life it huts you kiks you and spits on you i mean the only good thing can hurt you more.....

if ya dont know what it is ya pritty light in the head! love its confuseing and drenced and crutal and so on but its good if the person likes you back ive had a few cruches and 2 girl frends 1 was a girl that liked me but i hated her and one hummm fake name...... jade liked me back we went out for a year but it died but for some reson a year from then i still kind of think of her but shes moved on

well at school right now ive had 2 crushes one was on err minx lol what a wired name any way this lasted a year when the it told her that i liked her i relysed i dont like her any more.

now its worse its a girl that some of my freinds like as well err chistean wow im gona forget that one..... any way i like her but i think she likes ummmm soup (thats my name for someone p.s im hungry) but she kind of trys to make a converstion with me sometimes even over the smallest thing like the thing on the floor...... and she tends to be a little edgey arounfd me aswell well thatas what i think but soup is pushing to shit i forgot da name ahh chisten that annoys me so much when he gets her full attention so i tend to but in and she is just.... i dont know ill talk about it later

on a diffrent note there is a girl ive just realised i have a bit of a spark for i aint gona even make up a name for her cus she pritty much thinks of me as "that guy" but she thinks no one likes her but she is stuped not to relise that no one is gona say it unless then KNOW they like em back so ill keep ya up to date with all dat shit


1 comment:

BlueSpottedDog said...

Hey, I know who you are, and you know who I am! You listed me in your blog, yay for me! You're listed in mine as...Justin I think!