Sunday, September 28, 2008

shuch a pain in the tooth!

well im not dead i know its been awhile you you may be thinking hummmm hes dead. if so WOW you jump to conclsions! any way soory now why that title you say well sigh ive got a dentice apointment (note spelling) and i im going to need fillings about 2 or 3 and a plate for my jaw cus its wired and maby *shutter* b b brace braces sigh any way

I just got rockband for my birthday if ya dont know what it is its kind of like gutair hero if you dont know what that is it useing a gutair with marked frets and struming the note as they scrool up to you on the screan if you dont know any of those words well no im not going to go that far any way getting of topic its basicly that but it has gutair bass drums and vocal
One of my friends party was 2 days ago it was pritty good tho i think lom and it liked drawing circles on a nitendo ds how sad hte jukebox had about 60 songs no heaps more oh well it also had thanks for the memorys whitch my class last year could not stop sinnging so i knew all the words and lom and slodi di as well then we went bowling and i came 3 out of all!! and i came 1st out of my team yay! outher then that its not worth typeing.

nothing elce intresting so stop reading

i said stop reading

stop it

I SAID STOP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!......please

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