Monday, December 8, 2008

in a nutshell (20th post)

this is my 20th post (just incase you forget the title :/ )

as the name sudjested this is in a nut shell what is? well ive been doing some thinking and i know how to put this poast

school.... nuf said right? well the people you see their are thay truly happy... or are they realy the quiet one or are they the bad or nice one... they may not be in my thinkens people have 3 ... err personaltys or in laymans terms diffrent "modes" theirs the im by myself personalaty whitch you let no one see for some strange reason then thers the one you show to people you know and then the one you show in a croud or around people you dont know

and out of acting for a bit its hard too think like that ok now back into it!

really i think the best way to know what outhers think of you is to see you from their prospective what do you look like to themcus whether you like it or not they all have personalatys

and back out........... one more then im done

in the end this poast was a waste of time ldmesafx;km
that was me bashing the key board from anger i dont know why but i hate myself alot lately... i hate me and evry one i dont care much,cxlkn xdlkn; xdfsbxfligybhs=eC(T G#)U

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