Wednesday, August 27, 2008


ok i made a mistake i just read any way minx was a term not year on the topic of mistakes 2 years ago i hade a girl friend err kilomie wtf is with the name any way this lasted 1 year but i went to a diffrent school and it all kind of ended

KILLER SPAGETTIE (or how ever you spell it)

Monday, August 18, 2008

a new look on life

i woke up today and i kind of feelt diffrent life looked deffrent like its worth liveing (yea i siad that!) and i went to school and mr funsail was in a good mood for once! then in sose we watched catagory 6 a natural desaster movie then math we watched the rest cus we have da same teacher then in lote we watched the opening of the olyimpics then in english it was shit as useuwal then scine i think i did well on a test it was all good like my dream i had at night i went to school the girl i like liked me well that dident happen today :( any way then all day was kind of like the best day ever.... this leeds me to my next topic

we never dreem like its real life this is because we always want better we all want this "perfect wold" ethn tho you need to lerm lifes a bitch you never seem to be the person you want to be you always want better like humm 3 of my friends would kill to be someone elce but they dont realise what they are well im bored cya!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

why bother in life it huts you kiks you and spits on you i mean the only good thing can hurt you more.....

if ya dont know what it is ya pritty light in the head! love its confuseing and drenced and crutal and so on but its good if the person likes you back ive had a few cruches and 2 girl frends 1 was a girl that liked me but i hated her and one hummm fake name...... jade liked me back we went out for a year but it died but for some reson a year from then i still kind of think of her but shes moved on

well at school right now ive had 2 crushes one was on err minx lol what a wired name any way this lasted a year when the it told her that i liked her i relysed i dont like her any more.

now its worse its a girl that some of my freinds like as well err chistean wow im gona forget that one..... any way i like her but i think she likes ummmm soup (thats my name for someone p.s im hungry) but she kind of trys to make a converstion with me sometimes even over the smallest thing like the thing on the floor...... and she tends to be a little edgey arounfd me aswell well thatas what i think but soup is pushing to shit i forgot da name ahh chisten that annoys me so much when he gets her full attention so i tend to but in and she is just.... i dont know ill talk about it later

on a diffrent note there is a girl ive just realised i have a bit of a spark for i aint gona even make up a name for her cus she pritty much thinks of me as "that guy" but she thinks no one likes her but she is stuped not to relise that no one is gona say it unless then KNOW they like em back so ill keep ya up to date with all dat shit


Saturday, August 16, 2008


as you can tell from the time and title im very sleepy but dont wana go ta bed so im trying to think of something to wright abouteafweg

lights camra...

ive given my blog a quick toch of class with a few gadjets and with my story comeing its gona be good

a good idea

some of my readers i.e me and no one else so in another way of saying why do i bother posting one will read this! well its a thing to get things off my back and have a small hope of someone likeng my page (Yea right.....) i have nothing to talk about ill just type as i go on well hobbies pets story writing w8 story! my story i could Post that well no one will read it but ohh well! ill get to it...... tomorrow.....

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well my 1st normal named heading this is about my pointless day at school..... I got up this morning got ready for school then road for 30mins to school in about 9 degrease which had me swearing all the way there (stupid bus people) when i got there the bell went as soon as i got close to school so after i got my stuff out of my tiny locker and got to home group late then at lesson 1 we had music we are learning guitar i already know every thing there teaching so i get a good mark in vpa (visual preforming arts) last term i got a d because we did art i swear im the worst drawer of all time you may think a wolf balenceing a apple that has a bullet worm eating its core is bad at drawing but im worse (But very random...) at recces me,tom,it,ratchal and maddie whent to our spot OHH our spots well 1st we had "the corner" it's the little corner where 2 conrainers meet one is of corse shoter then the outher but seeing how we used a small space near the 2 containers as a bin... we were forced to move to "the wall" the wall is the side wall of the jouinor/libary area ohh and i need to mentchen its a resption-year12 school but we where told that no one could see us there so we went to "the container" it was the wall of the container that faces the oval we slowly moved back to the good old corner tho wow i went off topic there..... so me and the it where ditching stones at eachouther then i started to dig a stone that was buryed in a lot of dirt mmmmm dirt any way it looked very small but was in fact very big! then we dug up some more it started on a really cmall one but when he pulled it out it was MASSIVE!! so we started to destoy the net ball cort but chipping off the small rokes that make out the dravval of it with a stone well ive got home work to do so.... ill keep wrighting... at lunch we had a stuped netball chapion ship with the two school sports day teems it was quite boring we won tho taht was the only good part so an end to a nother pouintless day at school lerning stuff you will never use.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1st bloggy thing ps if you are reading this u have problems!

hello I'm a teen as u may know and as all teens i go to high school and it is like this you get up get ready for school go to school get bored out of your mind go home to do more school and go to bed...... not much of a life eh? well threes weekends where u hang out with Friends or do more work or sit there and do nothing..... like me nothing well sometimes friends what about work? no i cant be bothered i have a.... thing... due 2morrow and i could be doing it now..... but i don't care i hate life....

I play guitar i have for about 7 months and I'm ok at it my teacher wont let me play actual songs yet and that's bloody annoying!

friends well threes well humm whats a fake name......... lkt and slammy errr chelc .... flick and dordan just call them that descriptions!? you expect me to sit here and wright a description of them ALL!! ok lkt: the wired guy hes ok but he is well wired slamy: quiet silent little person that has nothing better to do in life then watch death note... Rachael: normal girl all i have to say fick: is a big wired idiot lol rely hes just a person dordan aka little miss aka Julia aka it: ok whats with the nik names? well its a it if you saw him you would have trouble seeing if it was a boy or a girl why? long blond hair, high voice, likes girls music it is a "boy" but we cant be shore..... that's it threes other people in my class that ill put in newerer posts right now ill just lay in bead and wish i was dead well except of the fact of the person i like even tho you are compete and utter strangers I'm not gonna say well that's all.